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After reading a few reviews I decided to buy it, as majority of people say, the game is ugly, particularly the world, character models and buildings aren’t terrible but still could be better, the sky is amazing though, nicest sky in a game I think I’ve seen lol, something about it seems magical. The gameplay is awesome though, it’s been at least a decade since I enjoyed a Pokémon game this much so far, the battle system is tweaked very nicely, the catching mechanics are fun, collecting materials and crafting is awesome, a lot of quest and side quests to do. I’m only 6 hours into it but that went by in the blink of an eye. Really looking forward to getting deeper into it. The world is also fairly empty feeling, lack of caves, dungeons puzzles etc, I think if they add those in the future iterations, it will be a phenomenal experience. I have to say, I had little to no hope in Gamefreak anymore but this has given me some. I’m hopeful they may even release an expansion that’s a little more dungeon oriented.

I hope they incorporate a lot of this going forward with the Pokémon franchise.