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sc94597 said:
FF used to be my favorite rpg series, but after they made XI an mmo, and XII horrible(imo) I don't have to much hopes for FFXIII. Now I'm finding alot of rpgs that are better than my favorite FF(VI) and I think the series is overrated. Especially by people who never played an FF game. Also I don't like the direction the series is taking, they are focusing too much on the visuals, and characters and forgetting the game play a lot of the time. FFXII had almost nothing that would distinguish it as a final fantasy and I really hope they go back to the roots with FFXIV. Also why is shiva a motorcycle? Seriously. I hope the series does become as good as I use to think it was again. As for star ocean, I never played it, but this does look like it will be quality, and It COULD be better than XIII to some. Aslo at the person who said " there are many action-adventures to play other than zelda. There aren't any that play the same. Okami is similar to zelda, but different, metroid prime 3 is really different from zelda, Uncharted the same, and GTAIV also the same. So there isn't anywhere else where you could get the zelda experience, but there are many rpgs that take the FF style. So I think you should use another example.


So when they make one that you don't like, the series becomes overrated regardless of how many people still like it? Its okay to like something else but putting down FF for it is unacceptable. You blame FF because other RPG's copy its style? Its seems to me that they're copying its style because of its appel thus making it an excellent series just like after gears introduce the cover system, it was copied left and right. You're quick to damn FF but ready to praise Star Ocean that you've never played because of two screenshots?

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"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

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