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Captain_Yuri said:

Yea it's pretty annoying the state of RTS games. The only ones that are worth buying these days are Total War series and 4X Civ games but neither of them are really the style of games that I enjoy all that much.

I like games that are more so Starcraft, C&C, AoE and Battle for Middle Earth. But sadly, it will be a long while before we get a proper sequel if ever. With some hope, maybe MS will do a sequel to Starcraft/Warcraft but who knows if they will be done properly. Especially as Blizzard would rather make a survival game in an era where we have too many survival/battle royal games.

It's annoying because I am only 29 but it feels like the games that I am interested in are continuously shrinking. The obscured sales expectations of publishers are continuing to lead them to the path where games feel more generic than anything. And the insane development times of modern games are ensuring that we get less and less games coming out like GTA. And I haven't really seen indies pick up the slack but it would be easy to miss in a sea of artsy games that come out daily.

All in all, we will see what happens but man, I give anything to have a proper sequel to one of my favorite RTS games.

Yeah, it's kinda why I just look around and see the x4's and non base building games growing by each yr and I'm like

"where my base builders at?". 

You know what we haven't heard of from in donkey's years?.

KKND Krossfire and Total Annihilation, as well as Supreme Commander, those 3 are like ancient in today's industry (starting to think only the vet players know those 3 games at all these days).

I do want a new SC game, but at the same time I'm super torn, because Legacy of the Void pretty much wrapped up the main cast's story somewhat nicely. Kerrigan is like a half goddess, Tychus is dead, Zeratul is dead, Half the Protoss are extinct, the Zerg got massively fucked over, and Menx got killed by Kerrigan, as well as his secret science div got wiped out by us during Heart of the Swarm, so like, all 3 factions pretty much got wrapped up/fucked over to a point where I dunno if the writers can do much for it.

Believe me, I do want a new one, but not an MP only, always online Starcraft 3, because that would just die within a year, tops. RTS games designed purely with PVP human vs human in mind are doomed to die quick deaths, vs those that are made with SP players, VS AI players and PVP players, all of which get a piece of cake served to them, and the game gets to live on through multiple ways. 

Hey, I'm 34, how do you think I feel lol?. I honestly haven't seen a good well rounded and polished RTS since SC2, back in 2010, being serious, that game and it's two expansions were what I considered cream of the crop tier quality RTS. We had 3 campaigns to go through, tons of cinematics, units to upgrade in the SP, PVP and VS AI modes, and even a custom arcade mode for user generated maps/content. I remember played "left 2 die" in arcade mode for hours on end, or Bardock's tower defence, all great fun and that was just from the user generated content end of that game.

Most RTS games now are just no campaign at all (talking about the indie side, not TW or Warhammer), low poly units, non memorable music score, forgettable units, and poorly coded AI, or a bigger focus on limited shelf life PVP. 

You kinda get what I'm feeling at your age because this is what we're currently going through. This is exactly what arena shooter gamers have been mulling with for yrs now (I'm one of them, I fucking miss UT and was pissed when Epic decided to forget it existed, or how Quake champions got fucked over by the devs and their lack of clarity/insight into what we actually wanted done/fixed). 

Blizz making that survival game sounds like a really bad last min call for something to quickly whip up, because let's be real here, Blizz just delayed two big heavy hitter games for yet another year, and we've already seen many devs whip up survival games within 1-2 yrs tops and shove them out the door, make a few heads turn and then that scene dies down after 3 months.

I don't see that survival game doing great, and I bet you it's gonna be PVP focused, which would insta turn me off, because I'm honestly done with hardcore PVP based games these days (far too many ppl enforcing meta-style rules/gameplay and cheaters also ruin the fun, because no one has any decency or honour in PVP these days).  

You know what really makes me think about games becoming more and more generic these days?.

It's the AI, the AI in most games I've been playing these days feels largely unintelligent, as in the same AI from the early 00's that could see you through walls, know exactly the key presses you made at the right time, etc. Ubisoft's racers feature rubber banding AI, meaning you'll never truly feel like you're getting a legit challenge from it's AI (pretty sure most other racers rely on this AI method as well).

Like I just want pubs to actually experiment more with AI and not just stick us with generic shit, because as I get older, I find it ever increasingly hard to feel immersed in these world's they keep telling me are unforgettable or fantastic, and then there's a world filled with AI that doesn't move from it's designated spot, while only ever coming to life when I enter their FoV, that shit rips me right out of immersion (like that mailman in Skyrim, dude always poofs out of thin air to only ever deliver mail to just me, no one else, I always try to kill him because he is a source of immersion being broken for me).

Speaking of indies, I've noticed a bit of a nasty trend going on the past decade. Usually from indies we'd get flat out trailers featuring gameplay yeah?, well Submerged: Hidden Depths just released one of their trailers today (On Steam as well), and all you're shown is a cinematic of two characters on a conoe through a devastated and overgrowth style city.

No gameplay, just the cinematic. I had to go to Steam and look up the "about the game" section as well as the tags to know what this game was even about and what you get to do in it. I shouldn't have to do that, AAA's do that shit and it's mostly fluff and vertical slicing, indie devs shouldn't be doing that at all. Show us the gameplay, you're small, you need to tell ppl what your game is doing, not trying to emulate Pixar and make a lovey dove "aww" style cinematic, because that doesn't get me interested (maybe it works on kids, but don't just rely on kids as your sales audience for a small indie game). 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"