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My prediction that I made a while ago, that the Xbox360 will outsell the PS3 overall from q3-q4 goes live from next week. With the gap as of this week sitting at 30k I feel much more confident going in now than I did back then when the gap was more like 40-50k per week.

My other predictions.

The Xbox360 premium $300 - Pretty much check on this one.

The Xbox360 will recieve wireless support with the Jasper refresh.

The Xbox360 premium will get a HDD increase from 20 - 60gb with the Jasper refresh.

The Xbox360 Elite will get Blu ray probably if it does it will be a Jasper model.

The Xbox360 Arcade will be getting motion controls, before the end of the year.

So there we have it, 1 main prediction and 5 supporting predictions.

Im not going to go into the reasons but every prediction I made at least seems to me to be sound business moves for Microsoft. I've held these views for over 6 months so it isn't a last minute thing for me to say this.

