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Captain_Yuri said:

I think this generation has taught PC gamers a very important lesson and that is the fact that PC is no longer a platform that can supply everyone. Even during the last big mining boom, you could buy decently priced GPUs but this time around? Nope. The GPU market got roflstomped. I think the main contributer was the fact that last time, Nvidia GPUs weren't all that great at mining and Bitcoin was really the only profitable coin which continued to get harder to mine relatively quickly.

This time though, not only was Nvidia GPUs crazy good at mining, you also had ETH which was much easier to mine and the difficulty increase isn't as rapid. There's of course more reasons but assuming crypto dies down and ETH moves to staking, the lesson here is, buy a GPU that will last you a generation. Because Crypto is certainly here to stay for better or for worse. And every time a mining boom happens... It lasts longer than the previous one and affects a larger portion of the market.

I am certainly going to aim for the 4090 on my next go but we shall see.

It also doesn't help that Nvidia just recently stated it's going to increase the prices of it's 30 series across the EU, which means double the punishment for us here, and no one will win, except nvidia. 

Miners won't learn though. They remind me if those who decide to frack or drill for oil, only to find out at the last possible moment that it was a big mistake, yet never learn beforehand from previous knowledge/history. 

We're sadly a species inherently doomed to repeat certain sequences and actions, so seeing the miners like this doesn't really surprise me anymore. They'll just pick up the pieces and waste time/resources/energy again, just to get a smidgen of what they think will be some vast fortune. 

At the end of the day, the world in it's current state isn't likely to accept their digital wealth as being on the same level of say, Bill gate's amassed wealth, and I really do wish that people would see that. The get rich quick schemes never truly work out, not for long anyway. 

I'm pretty certain that even if mining holds on for another 5- years, it's going to be radically changed into a form where those who once thought they could get rich, will just become another lower/middle class. I don't see Govs allowing the entire populace to get rich within the next 10 or more yrs, because then how is the global eco going to work if everyone can just mine digital currency?.

These people do not know what they are messing with (Don't want to come off as a crackpot or The Question, but these people really do not know the bigger picture).

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"