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Rhonin the wizard said:


Activision’s CEO wants Xbox to revive Guitar Hero and Skylanders
Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick has said he’d like to see Microsoft bringing back some currently ‘retired’ series once its acquisition deal has been completed.

What's more is that Phil Spencer has named several old franchises to revive, namely King’s Quest, Guitar Hero, and HeXen.

Xbox CEO Phil Spencer on reviving old Activision games as Microsoft positions itself as tech’s gaming company
But it will also be adding an element that newly minted CEO of Microsoft Gaming Phil Spencer sees as core to Microsoft’s strategy for consumer acquisition: A slew of video games and long-abandoned franchises.

I'd love to punch Kotick in the face. He's the one that milked Guitar Hero so much that it killed the franchise and he's also the one that decided to leave every other IP they had in a drawer and focus only on Cod. And now he has the bal "audacy" of saying something like that? F*ck him!

Captain_Yuri said:

One thing I will say about the 6500XT reviews is some of them have some conclusions I don't agree with. As an example, I have seen reviewers say "If a used 580 costs the same a 6500XT, I'd rather buy a 580."

While on Paper that may sound like a good idea because a 580 is better than a 6500XT, a used 580 that's now 5 years old that costs $300 might not be a good idea. Not only do we not know what the used GPU has been through, it's also out of warranty.

So if you can find a GPU that released sooner like a 5500XT or a 16 series from Nvidia that's about the same price, I agree. But buying a 5 year old GPU, while may be a good idea on Paper, might not be the best idea in the grand scheme of things...

Not only that, but AMD isn't exactly great at supporting old architectures and, while the 580's GCN 4.0 architecture is still supported with new drivers, all the other GCN archs have been moved to legacy. That's also something to keep in mind.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.