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hinch said:

Not a fan of big acquisitions like this. Consolidation is looking to be the future for gaming, sadly and can see more big buyouts like this in the years to come. Annoyingly it doesn't benefit consumers and, worst stunts good competition. Activision/Blizzard has a huge hold in the market in all fronts of gaming - PC (MMO in particular with WoW), console and mobile.

The optimist in me hopes this will help Acti/Blizz get their act together with their games and will help the company by gettingrid of the rotten apples in the company.. on the other hand Kotick is still there and a buyout of this size isn't healthy for the future of gaming and further deepens walled gardens. If MS gets EA/Ubisoft as well you might as well call it a monopoly.

Reminds of of how Disney has been basically buying its competition. Leaving only a few big names left in the movie/entertainment business.

Consolidation sucks, yes. At least it's been MSoft, not Apple or something else outside of the industry trying to get a big splash.

Yeah, that true. Or Amazon lol. That would be disastrous on a catastrophic level.

With this acquisition though maybe.. just maybe we can see MS/Blizzard pushing for a WoW sequel.