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Captain_Yuri said:
hinch said:

E3 is cancelled according to Jeff Grubb -

GTA V PS5 and Series X re-release date to be missed (rumor) -

These guys used to release a GTA game or two every generation and they've managed to milk GTA V through three generations. At this rate GTA VI will be out by next next gen lol.

E3 getting cancelled is expected. As long as Covid/restrictions are around, e3 ain't happening.

The funny thing about GTA V on PS5/Series X is that we can already play GTA V on PS5/Series X thanks to BC mode. GTA V on PS3/360 to PS4/One I can understand due to no BC mode and the visual improvements were pretty big. But this just feels dumb.

True I don't think many people expected it to happen. Even the digital event.. which takes an enormous effort from all the companies to make one of these shows. Tbh maybe its for the best as the last E3 was pretty bad outside of a couple of showings.

Yeah its dumb. The re-release didn't even look like an upgrade in any sense. I think they even reused to the same cinematic on the original trailer lol. Just a shameless cash in. I just wish GTA Online would go away and people would stop funding this nonsense. And Rockstar can actually work on a proper games.