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And here's an extra, that explains why we deserve what happens to us:

Sega files trademark for Sega NFTs
In November 2021, Sega's Q2 results mentioned that the Japanese publisher planned to team up with Microsoft to develop cloud-powered 'super games' as well as making "investment in new fields such as NFT." It didn't take too long for Sega president and CEO Haruki Satomi to sound a more, cautionary note, however, saying "if it is perceived as simple money-making, I would like to make a decision not to proceed."
Today comes the news that Sega filed two trademarks with the Japanese Patent Office in December 2021 for 'Sega NFT' (thanks, VGC). The first says 'Sega NFT' while the second is for the 'Sega Classics NFT Collection.' The latter will probably be similar to what Konami recently did with Castlevania but the bigger question is whether this indicates a wider move on Sega's part.
>> But I'm sure those NFT games won't be "simple money-making" games like they promised...

Troy Baker faces powerful backlash over AI voice NFT promotion
Prolific voice actor Troy Baker, best known for BioShock Infinite's Booker DeWitt and The Last of Us's Joel, found himself in hot water with his fans after tweeting about a partnership with a "Voice NFT" company. The backlash was spurred not only by Baker's decision to get into the notoriously sketchy NFT game, but in the tone of his message, in which he told followers, "You can hate. Or you can create."
>> In this case, I'm in the hate group.

And then, we find this:

Konami made over $150,000 from that bloody Castlevania NFT auction
To celebrate the 35th anniversary of Castlevania, a videogame about a man who thinks the best weapon to use against enemies who can only be killed by piercing their hearts with wood is a metal whip, Konami held an auction for 14 bloody NFTs.
All the items in the Konami Memorial NFT collection have now been sold, with one of them, the Dracula's Castle Pixel Art, going for $26,732. The grand total for the lot came to over $162,000, though as VGC points out, the OpenSea marketplace they were sold through takes a cut of every transaction, which still leaves Konami with over $157,000 from the auction.
>> *sigh* It doesn't matter how much we complain, there'll always be f*cking dumbasses that will follow their game, like with the DLCs and that bloody horse armor crap.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.