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Earlier question about disc size and RPGs:

For BD and LO (I own both, mind you), the reason they were 3-4 disks wasn't due to the size of the games, but entirely due to the cutscenes. Both games had at least 1hr, if not close to 2hrs, of HD cutscenes. Since HD cutscenes take up, oh, 3-4x more memory than an SD cutscene...You can fill a regular size DVD very quickly (which is why many PS3 games, ala MGS4, have many cutscenes).

About "who needs FF", my reasoning is that SO4 looks awesome. Everyone bills the Final Fantasy series as some sort of un-touchable mammoth of a series. However, SO4 looks awesome, and is actually taking a Sci-Fi approach to the RPG genre, rather than a half-cocked one that FF and other carbon-copies take. This makes me excited that we might see a game do Sci-Fi right.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.