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PS5 total software sales at retail in its first 14 months (Nov. 2020- Dec 2021) will be ~0.75M
PS4 total software sales at retail in its first 11 months (Feb. 2014- Dec 2014) were ~2.44M

However that's not the only problem.

PS3 total packaged software sales in 2014 were twice higher than what PS4 total packaged software sales will be in 2021.

On top of that in 2014 there was the contribution of PSV too (not much, but still was ~4.99M which is more than what PS4/PS5 combined will achieve in 2021).

src said:


PS4 sold 4-5M software in 2021.

You guys are still sticking your head in the sand unable to face the reality of market data.

Why are you still using top 10,20,30,100 when we have the entire software totals?

Because, unlike you, others know that the 2021 column represent just a forecast Famitsu made in early 2021, it's not the actual software sales in 2021.

Last edited by Endymion - on 30 December 2021