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Guessed by Vinther1991

Once upon a time, a new system was hyped up. It would revolutionise the gaming world. We'd enter the realm of 3D, and free roaming control to create worlds and movement unimaginable before. Yes, yes, I know there had been a couple of 3D games by this point, but this would be something else. In this time, pre-ordering was a new thing. So my aunt, being the gamer she was, went modern and pre-ordered the Nintendo 64. My parents were still too new to these things, so we just waited. As it turned out, that was a good idea because, surprise, pre-orders couldn't be fulfilled. Yet there was the occasional unit in stores to buy. So we got one of those, a good two weeks before my aunt finally received here's.

The new and shiny system came with 'Super Mario 64', a timeless game in lots of ways. Internationally, there were of course only two launch titles, but because the system launched a couple months later in Europe we could choose from a handful, which we pretty much all got. Still, even with only two games, I'd argue the Nintendo 64 had the greatest launch line-up of any system ever, simply to the presence of Super Mario 64. The impact this game had, or still has, cannot be understated and Nintendo knocked it so far out of the park with this I'm still looking for the ball. It is basically the perfect game. Often, people criticise the camera controls. I'd call that a little unfair to begin with since this was really the first game to do it right, but as far as I'm concerned, it's still a textbook example for new games to look at. Too often I'm playing a newer game, where I end up wondering why developers couldn't do it as well as Super Mario 64 could 25 years ago. Timeless indeed.