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Metallox said:

I spent Christmas alone for the first time in my life, and it was pretty good. The situation in my family has been awkward and tense for the past few years, I truthfully hadn't enjoyed the last gatherings at all, not to mention I don't really appreciate be among too many people anymore. It was a shocker for my mother when I told her and she became incredibly upset for some days, but she ended up accepting my decision.

On Christmas Eve I talked with two friends in a video call for about an hour, then I put myself to read a little bit, watched cat videos, installed a light bar setup I bought a few days ago and tried it out while playing SMT V. It was a cozy night/morning. Then in the 25th I visited my grandparents.

I spent Christmas alone and sick. Still coughing today.

It doesn't really matter to me though, because I should be able to spend a weekend or a week with friends for New Years. Depends on if I am still sick of course.