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#6: Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana

Didn't expect to love Ys VIII as much as I ended up doing. Same as with Metroid Dread, this game instantly gripped me and wouldn't let me go until the enfing credits during which I cried, not only because of how wonderful the story was but also because a journey unlike any other I experienced was over. Ultimately you shouldn't be sad that it's over, but happy that it happened and I am. Ys VIII has great gameplay, boss battles, dungeons, a setting that I simply love and the best soundtrack in the entire Ys franchise but what really pulled me in was the story. It may not be the best story in gaming but it certainly is my favorite. The characters are great with some wonderful character development, the writing is fantastic. The story offers so much intrigue, so much mystery, so many twists. A slow build up in the first part of the game leads into an amazing middle section with the perspective changes between present and past and then goes into a very sad and emotional final section where you whitness the slow death if Eternia. The ending is the best part, simply incredible.

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana features a wonderful story that I fell in love with and that left me in tears in the end. It instantly made me a fan of Falcom.