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DonFerrari said:
aTokenYeti said:

“Could”? Absolutely. “Very easily”? I’m not sure about that. From a long term perspective we still don’t even know if Microsoft can handle its 23 studios, even if the early returns look good. 

the risk/reward calculus is completely different for Microsoft and Sony. Microsoft as a whole company is at a point of revenue generation that they can have one of their divisions spend several billion dollars on a distressed asset like Bethesda and not really have to worry about if it doesn’t pan out. Microsoft made back the money it spent on Bethesda in pure profit in about a month. 

Sony would necessarily have to be much more deliberate with an acquisition of that size because the margin of acceptable losses is lower. 

Sure they could. And we have heard the MS infinite money talk since like 20 years ago and it never really translated in MS doing crazy stuff to buy market as the fanbase dream off. Just now they really started putting the money to buy these devs.

And not sure why you think that Sony increasing their dev count let's say from 20 to 30 is harder to manage than MS going from like 5 to 30.

Is buying Zenimax not “crazy stuff” anymore