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Machina said:

Wasn't at my own PC for a few days so I've fallen behind a bit. New clues:

#11 - A sci-fi RTS. My favourite strategy was just building huge lines of defensive turret structures, then teching to nukes and playing around with those, before usually obliterating the enemy with a fleet of bombers.

It's received a few spiritual successors over the years, but none of them really managed to re-capture the magic of this game.

#8 - The sequel to a very inventive and superbly written comedy.

Shower curtains.

#7 - What I love about this game is the sense of speed and momentum you get from the platforming being in first person. The better you are, the less you'll be hindered by various obstacles, and more you're able to maintain that sense of momentum. The art style has always stuck with me too - the colour palette just really struck a chord with me for some reason.

#6 - The best thing about this game is how fiercely strategic and competitive it was and still is. For years I was hooked on trying to advance up the ranking system. I was never good enough to reach the highest ranking, but I was in the one just below that, which meant I got to play with and against quite a few pros over the years.

#6: DOTA2

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