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10. Panzer Dragoon Saga (Sega Saturn – 1998)

Yes, I got a Sega Saturn, and yes I got a copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga. But believe me, I find no enjoyment in the exclusivity of that, as I would wish this masterpiece of a game was accessible to a lot more people. I know Saturn emulation on PC has come a long way, but there are probably still some limitations.

Panzer Dragoon Saga is one of these games that is huge, unique and just overall masterful in every way. The world building is unbelievable, though it probably takes a lot of inspiration from Star Wars and Dune, but still manages to outdo both! The story is deep and nuanced, with exceptional characters, and the battle system is ingenious, and still extremely unique. Surprisingly no game seem to have ever copied the core idea of the battle system. The game is relatively short for an RPG (15-20 hours), with limited optional content, but I like it that way, as the experience is so strong, focused and deep. I am not that much into RPGs really, but this one is something truly special.