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Guessed by drbunnig

Speaking of humorous games, 'Theme Hospital' is the king of them all. Development started out a lot more serious though. The aim at first was to make a realistic hospital management game, with real diseases and problems and real administrating. But then someone figured; "that's no fun, let's make something ridiculous". That's probably not the real quote, but I imagine that's how it went. I guess they got depressed from the heavy material or something, but luckily the end result is anything but depressing.

Really the only thing about this game that is kind of stressful are the epidemics. From a couple levels in, there will be an emergency every once in a while where a helicopter drops off a handful of patients with a certain disease that need to be cured within a time limit or else they die. And people dying is bad. But that's not the epidemic yet. A couple levels further on, some patients arriving are contagious and infect other patients around the hospital which you have to vaccinate so infections get under control or else they die. And people dying is bad. Then, if you're unlucky, you get both at once, and people die.