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12. Alien Isolation (PC– 2014)

Is there a movie more influential on the video game industry than Ridley Scott’s Alien? I don’t think so. Not only are there countless of games based directly on the Alien IP, you also have games that lifts a lot from the World building and designs of Alien, games such as Contra, Halo, Metroid, Half-Life, System Shock and Dead Space. Nothing comes as close to matching the experience of the original movie as Alien Isolation does. The feeling of isolation, dread, weakness and scare. The production design and graphics of Alien Isolation are spot on, as is the challenging but engaging stealth gameplay. The A.I. of the Alien is unbelievably good, and they made the creature properly powerful. The only real flaw of this game is the plot, unfortunately. It just isn’t interesting enough to support the rest of the otherwise amazing experience.