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ClaudeLv250 said:
Soriku said:
Pristine20 said:
Soriku said:
Star Ocean > FF

True story. I don't have a 360... :(


The BS on this site i apalling! Since when did Star Ocean> FF? You guys like talking sales right? The sales, reason, fans and even the publishing company would suggest otherwise except I died and got born again to a different world!

I guess SO4 is so great now since its on the x360 lol!

You guys could have easily praised the quality of the game without taking cheap shots at FF! Its the same publisher for crying out loud.

Its okay to be a fanboy but thes outlandish comments are getting out of hand.

On point though, it seems like nothing much has changed except the graphical upgrade. That guy looks almost exactly like Fayt! Hopefully they have a better ending and a well paced story this time!

Eh? It's called an opinion. I don't own a 360 or PS3 (nor plan to buy one anytime soon) so you can't call my post bias. I've played both series and I think SO is better.

I'm not saying FF is a bad series. It's a good series. I just prefer SO. Also, SO is pretty similar to Tales and you now how much I like Tales.

I'm a little surprised at the people throwing tantrums over the simple fact that there are many RPG franchises that are better than Final Fantasy. Star Ocean and Tales are just two of them.



I hate it when people bash a series just because it is mainstream