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Link_Nines.XBC said:
S.Peelman said:

Apparently I made this set of hints quite tricky, as both #19 and #18 went unguessed. Let's see if it can get a little easier with the next hints.

#17: The Mac OS version of this game (at least) featured an interesting anti-piracy measure where you had to look up letters in the manual.

Hint 2: Once you find the correct letter, you can drink the correct bottle and the door to the next level opens. Drink the wrong one, and die.

Hint 3: This actually mirrors the rest of the game, most bottles are for health, while some take health. You see this by the color of its plume. Obviously though there is no plume in the lettered bottles because that would be too easy to guess.

Hint 4: The levels start down in a grey-coloured dungeon, presumably the place where you were imprisoned, until the switch to the more elaborately decorated red and golden floors of the palace.

#16: Breaking a mirror brings bad luck. Maybe the bad guy in this game shouldn't have broken the mirror.

Hint 2: The bad guy also should've known that the mirror would break in only four pieces, and that they would conveniently end up at the end of as many sinister places.

Hint 3: The first is in a desert, the second on a snowy peak, the third in a lost woods and the fourth in the sky.

#15: This game was named something else where I live due to trademark issues.

Hint 2: Just like this game's predecessor. However that one was called differently. After this game, new games took the real name of the franchise.

#16 is Twilight Princess?


TruckOSaurus said:

15: Star Fox 64 (named Lylat Wars in Europe)?

And also correct!

So that's two down. Also, forgot to add #14, added now.