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There's plenty of great Star Wars games. The best era for these was during the Golden Age, which I say is from halfway through the 90s until the first half of the 2000s, because when else. The 'Jedi Knight' series falls right into this. It's complicated actually because the series started out with 'Dark Forces' (#41), and then came 'Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II', which was followed by 'Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast' here at a respectable #19 placement in the list. Jedi Outcast in return was followed by 'Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy', with no number 3 attached to it. To be fair that game, while also fun, does feel a bit like a spin-off.

The game has great locations that really feel "Star Wars". Of course, two are movie locations as well, but the others are gritty underworld goodness. There's a couple of familiar characters, namely Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian (even voiced by Billy Dee Williams himself), but the secret stars of the show are the Reborn and their enhanced brothers the Shadow Troopers. These are enemies with Force Powers and Lightsabers, and combat in this game feels absolutely awesome. So awesome in fact, that I used to save the game right before every encounter with any of these enemies, and there are a lot, and every now and then replay the saves of the coolest ones. Just to fight them again.