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S.Peelman said:

No guesses for these yet, which means new hints. For #19 this is the last hint because I'll stamp it unguessed. Long list of hints this time, and also, the first for #16.

#19: Out of sight out of mind says us.

Hint 2: Is what the barkeep said about the abundance of garbage this planet creates. He knows the real reason why you asked though, so time to show your weapon.

Hint 3: And that weapon commands respect. You got it from your father in the previous game, but it's a bit strange though because now the blade is blue while in the previous game it was green.

Hint 4: You get it where you left it between this and the previous game; with the great Master in his new academy. Immediately after, you'll relearn your basic powers through a couple of puzzling trials.

#18: This game features a building named "Kong Tower", which is fitting because it kind of looks like the real 'Kong' tower.

Hint 2: It's $$$ commercial and 3x3 large.

Hint 3: The funny thing is, even though this is a big and tall building, it'll be gone again in no time if you don't check the box to make it a monument.

#17: The Mac OS version of this game (at least) featured an interesting anti-piracy measure where you had to look up letters in the manual.

Hint 2: Once you find the correct letter, you can drink the correct bottle and the door to the next level opens. Drink the wrong one, and die.

#16: Breaking a mirror brings bad luck. Maybe the bad guy in this game shouldn't have broken the mirror.

It seems like #19 is Star Wars KOTR2, but I have no idea.