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Soriku said:
Tayne said:
Riachu said:
Soriku said:
memory2zack said:
Soriku said:
The only problem I (sorta) have with it is...seems a bit too realistic. They should've added a shade of anime style like the artwork but whatever.


Tsktsktsk, you and anime. I also like anime but I´m not picky like that. Can´t you play a game that´s not anime-styled?

Meh...I think I'm trying too hard to compare it too much with Tales of games >_< I mean Tales and SO pretty similarly. Also, SO on the PS1 looked like Tales on the PS1. Same can be said with the PS2 on some ocassions. But now, we have two different things. Compare the SO4 pics to ToV...

I'm not saying it's bad lol I just prefer the other SO's style to this more realistic one (sorta reminds me of GeoW... O_o).

Edit: Btw, I dont' even watch anime lol.

They are going for a more realistic direction because the 360 is allowing them to make the character models that way. It is still anime style, it's just not as obvious as in SO2 and 3


Maybe Namco should follow the FF and SO series and evolve the art style more. I'm sure the masses wouldn't complain if ToV had an art style like SO4.


X_X For the DS. That CG looks really ugly. I'd prefer Namco stick with anime style Tales, thanks.

I agree.  Also, while the anime designs aren't bad, they just don't have the cool factor that Fujishima's designs have