S.Peelman said: Yes! Finally a game that I can take with me to the next day and write a second hint for. The two guesses so far, Call of Duty: World at War and Medal of Honour (I assume Allied Assault?) were both wrong, but close. The former mores than the latter, or was it? Anyway, forget the whole sentence, you haven't read this, time for the actual hint, and one for a new game; |
23. It's a mega man game. I'll guess Mega Man 2.
curl-6 bet me that PS5 + X|S sales would reach 56m before year end 2023 and he was right.
My Bet With curl-6
My Threads:
Master Thread, Game of the Year/Decade
Switch Will Be #1 All Time
Zelda Will Outsell Mario (Achieved)
How Much Will MH Rise sell?
My Bet With Metallox