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Guessed by Darashiva

Back in the early 2000s, there was an age before the era of drab and brown colour pallets, and muscular, manly men with selectable perks and points and feats in thick armour using guns that are much too big. This age was an age of very imaginative shooters, where they all had a fun story, were all original, all had farfetched set-pieces and had fun dialogues and memorable characters. One of the best ones of that age was 'No One Lives Forever', fully titled 'The Operative: No One Lives Forever'. I assume they thought they could make this an anthology series with other "The Operative" games, but I'm not sure that's the case and it also at least never happened.

No One Lives Forever did have a sequel of itself though, because the game turned to be an unexpected hit. This sequel, 'No One Lives Forever: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way' dropped the "The Operative" prefix. Both games are actually equally good, I'd recommend both but as is with a lot of things, the novelty of being the first in something wins out here. After the start of the 7th Generation of Video Games, my interest in the first-person shooter genre started to wane due to the above mentioned move, and it never really recovered. I know the age of drab and brown is pretty much over as well, but things aren't as colourful, both literally and figuratively, yet as they were in the era of No On Lives Forever. A pretty unique era.