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So yesterday was a good day for guesses. #31 was guessed after some tries by coolbeans; Motocross Madness and #29 was guessed as well by GoOnKid who correctly guessed SoulCalibur. Here's a second hint for #30 and we continue to #28.

#30: The battle between these two belligerents continues this time also over sea and air.

Hint 2: You shouldn't click on the boat and stop rocking it, because you're making him seasick. Guessed by Darashiva - Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness

#29: First there was an evil sword that changes appearance depending on its wielder, but in this game, there's a spirit sword made to combat it. Guessed by GoOnKid - SoulCalibur

#28: Originally this game far supposed to feature a male protagonist, by the designers figured that then it would look a little too much like James Bond, so the decided to have a female star instead. Guessed by The_Liquid_Laser - The Operative: No One Lives Forever

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 30 November 2021