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Dark Messiah Of Might and Magic

Dark Messiah is probably the most fun I've had with First Person Rpg combat. It was developed by Arcane Studios who is known mostly for dishonored. It released for PC in 2006 and in 2008 for 360. I played the PC version.

The best thing about this game as I said is the combat a lot of First Person rpg's have serviceable (Elder Scrolls) to downright awful(Kings Field) combat I do like those games for other reasons. Dark Messiah is the first time it truly felt fun for me. In addition to your normal sword swings and charged attack. You have a kick ability which you can use to push your enemies into spike traps and other hazards. You have an ice spell that you can freeze enemies with or cause them to slip and fall. You can pick up barrels with your hands or a Telekinesis spell and just launch them at your enemies. You also have bows and stealth available to you. The game also rewards players for exploring and finding secret areas which can contain special items.

Ever since I've played it I've been on the lookout for similar games but haven't had much luck the closest thing I could find was Arx Fatalis and the aforementioned King's Field games. It's a shame there aren't more games like this being made because it's really a genre I like.