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Kakadu18 said:

#38: Luigi's Mansion 2

While this is my least favorite Luigi's Mansion game I still love it. I like the mission based structure less than how the other two games are structured gameplaywise. But it offers for way more funny dialogue with Professor E. Gadd between missions.

It has way more variety in ghost types than either of the other two Luigi's Mansion games that are all very expressive and full of character with very unique behaviour and attacks.

LM2 introduces plenty of new gadgets from E. Gadd that lead to some great puzzles. The tons of collectables are fun to find. The boss ghost fights are pretty creative.

Also this game introduces the ghost doggo which I mentioned in my hints. That one's a bit annoying but funny.

This installment is way longer than the original with more story too and more intricate leveldesign. King Boo's design is way better than in the first game, intimidating even.

A very fun game.

Great game. It's funny that what you say is your "least" favourite (least sounds harsh if something is the #38 greatest game ever lol) is probably my favourite of the series. I had this in my list for some years. It's close though, all three are great and it's one of the better Nintendo series. I had the first one as an honourable mention for some years as well. Ordering the games for me is really down to cherry picking. Personally, the second game wins out against the third because I felt the third was just a tad too long, but the hotel concept was great. It wins against the first because of what you said, the ghosts and the locations in the second show more variety.