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Guessed by TruckOSaurus

For a while it looked like the 7th Generation of Video Games for would be all about peripherals for me. Obviously, there was the Wii, built around peripherals and motion control and I played it a lot, but there was also 'Guitar Hero'. With this game you could feel awesome, as if you were the greatest guitar player in the world. I even got a real guitar, a very cool looking one, but I soon found out that playing actual guitar in real life is very hard. Especially on the level of the songs in the game, which is borderline impossible if you asked me.

Once there was a demo unit of Guitar Hero III on my campus. So when I and a couple of my friends happened to walk by, I noticed this and blurted out that I was the number 2000 of the world in this game. This was likely not true, because there's a lot of caveats, like what the particular leaderboard was for, how many people actually played online, and what region it was and whatever but I had glimpsed my name at around the number 2000 in something for a second. Apparently this sudden outburst made an impact, probably because it was so ridiculous, and I still haven't heard the end of it.

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 24 November 2021