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Guessed by coolbeans

Often overlooked in how important this game was for the development of first person shooter games is 'Star Wars: Dark Forces'. In this game, it was finally possible to aim up and down, and enemies could stand floors above or below you. When I first played it however, I knew nothing of these things, because I knew basically nothing of video games yet. After having played 'Star Wars Rebel Assault II' (#42) though, I wanted more Star Wars, and we had a demo, on a demo disc, those were a thing, of Dark Forces consisting of the first level of the game.

Dark Forces was completely different to my other experience of course, but I thought it was super cool so we got the whole game shortly after. Rebel Assault is a lighthearted series however, and I wasn't really prepared for this dark and gritty shooter that had some tense moments, and scary scenery. In the second level, there's bodies of dead people scattered around a deserted colony, and in the third level, there are monsters in sewers. "Dianogas" like the one that pulls Luke Skywalker under water in the trash compactor in Episode IV. The sewers have dirty, murky water you can't look through as well. This was too scary for my young self, and I'd develop a bit of a phobia for dark water levels. Especially sewer levels. Even to this day, even though I'm not scared of fake stuff anymore, I will hesitate a second, when I need to enter a sewer in any other game. Weird how that works.

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 22 November 2021