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Guessed by coolbeans

'Star Wars Rebel Assault II' was a life changing game for me. This game introduced me to Star Wars, and it was also the very first game I ever played on a home computer. I had played some games before on my aunt's NES and SNES, but it wasn't until my new stepfather got home with an absolutely massive box (it was like, a cubic metre of cardboard I'm not even kidding) holding a brand new PowerPC Mac, that I finally played something with a keyboard and mouse. Though, for Rebel Assault we also had a clunky joystick.

Still though, besides the personal meaning the game's also just fun. I'd definitely still recommend it. It's a fairly short rail shooter, that does have high replay value because of its variety in levels. There's shooting levels and flying levels in various perspectives. In between, live action cutscenes tell a light but fun story befitting the Star Wars universe through great dialogue. The live action scenes are something else, this was during a great era where more games had this, and one was even more cinematic than the other. The game starts with a cutscene introducing none other than Darth Vader. Or well, to me he was introduced, because Darth Vader turning around to face the camera in front of a starfield is the first thing I ever saw of him. And I'll never forget the awe.