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Faith and Flag conservative.

I would rather have a smaller government providing fewer services.
>not really true, I actually support government intervention a lot, but I do not like my choices and would rather disempower the system

Government policies should support religious values and beliefs.
>John Adams wrote that the constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. He made the Mass. state constitution which among 9 of 13 first had a religious test, his said you must be Christian to serve in government. Our first speaker of the house was a Lutheran pastor. Prayer in public school being outlawed is completely hypocritical and marked a major change, but CRT and gay acceptance is literally the same line of thinking as it promotes something against religion(s)

If America is too open to people from all over the world, we risk losing our identity as a nation.
>already taking place, I support an immigration halt, in the first half of the 20th century progressives, Republicans, and democrats all agreed. The hart-cellar act was also passed under lies, birth right citizenship existed to make ex-slaves citizens not give right to an invasion from our southern border. I am mixed raced btw, but anyone with eyes can see the double speak around immigration. “Yes replacement is happening and this is why it is good” “Replacement is conspiracy theory” Double speak

It would bother you a lot to regularly hear people speak a language other than English in public places in your community.
>again ‘would” is irrelevant, it is already a problem here in Pennsylvania

White people benefit not too much/not at all from advantages in society that Black people do not have.
>frame question opposite

The U.S. has lost more than it has gained from increased trade.
>free trade is antithetical to the capitalism i support, read Teddy Roosevelt

The U.S. is one of the greatest countries in the world, along with some others.
>Yes, and heading in the wrong direction. However, I’ve not been impressed with any European or Asian country I’ve visited to ever want to leave.

In the future, U.S. policies should try to keep it so America is the only military superpower.
>Yes, but the framing of this question is pretty awful and implies a lot of things I don’t agree with. I support less military spending than what we have.

I usually feel like none of the candidates represent my views well.
>Yes, Neocons and RINO establishment are often hardly right wing at all. They basically act like controlled opposition / grifters.

I rated democrats 0. I rated republicans 20.

Experts are neither better nor worse at making good policy decisions than other people.
>appeal to authority fallacy

Most corporations make a fair and reasonable amount of profit.
>most is the key word. corporations can be just a handful of people. even mega corporations are mostly doing their fair share in taxes. however, government entangling from both parties have enabled corporations to leave overseas, get special deals (like google paying 5% bandwidth compared to competitors over the past decade). profit is only a small part of the economic question but i don’t think this is a good question.

People being too easily offended by things other say is a problem in the country today.

Greater social acceptance of people who are transgender is bad for society.
>Happy to say I know my Republican grandparents would agree and they were never the type to use a racial slur and even supported more moderate Republicans on racial issues, transgender is nothing like race and is a total delusion, I did not know one person growing up who thought they were the wrong gender

Overall, people who are convicted of crimes in this country serve too little time in prison.
>too tired to explain in detail, but the lack of death penalty and short prison sentences or flat out dropping violent charges to give a drug charge is why we have a lot of misconceptions. Our justice system is a mess, but not for the BLM nonsense. I support retraining police, but I think we have the opposite problem of being too lenient in courts

Last edited by FormerlyTeamSilent13 - on 20 November 2021