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So Halo 3 just passed 8 million, I read somewhere on here that its predicted sales are 9 mill, and most people think it will make 10 million, but take a look at this.

Halo 3 sales have settled around 25 - 30k, there are 26 weeks left in this year. So,

26 x 30k = 780k

26 x 25k = 650k

add that onto the 8 mill it has now and it has practically reached 9 mill.

When GTA4 came out sales bumped to 54,687

I know no other MASSIVE games (apart from Gow2) are coming out this year for the 360, but big games do and will give Halo 3 a bump.

On the same week the 360 launced Halo 2 sold over 17k! and when the 360 sales were in full swing (xbox 1 sales dead) christmas 2005 & 2006 Halo 2 sold over 50k

So say a new console is out end of 2010 (earliest) then Halo 3 still has at least another 2 years of solid sales + Microsoft are planning on keeping the 360 alive and kicking when they bring their next console out right?

During christmas who knows how many copys it will sell, the 360 price cut in america should give a nice bump, and what about if they bundle?

I think it can easily reach 12 mill.

If Halo sales dip to 20k over the next two years it will still sell 1 mill per year minus holidays.