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Guessed by Mnementh

I love amazing hand drawn art. In fact, often I'm more a fan of something's concept art than the actual finished product. Once upon a time, I was pretty decent at it myself, in various techniques, however sadly I grew out of it. Or so I think, I don't really know as I haven't drawn or painted something in many years. Maybe I'm still decent enough. But anyway the great art direction of 'Child of Light' is what initially drew me towards it, because it does look really beautiful.

The game is a turn-based role-playing game, something I'm usually not really a fan of. Sometimes though, it's done well, and I thought this was one of those times. The story is a whimsical fairy tale-style story that's imaginative and illustrated in a gorgeous manner and the soundtrack that accompanies it is equally great. This game was made by one of Ubisoft's smaller teams, and it shows, because the small teams always have a guy that has a certain love for his project, and that makes it so this game has an identity, while Ubisoft's, and other publishers' big so-called triple A games, do not.