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Games like this take a lot of time and resources to develop and are usually always release buggy and need a tonne of patches at launch because of the scale and sheer complexity of them. Take Starfield, Bethesda trademarked that back in 2013 and we're finally seeing the fruition of the game nearing a decade later. The same with TES 6. I wouldn't say they need to recreate a sandbox like RPG when they don't have any experience in doing any and would rather they have their dev teams play to their own strengths.

Like they tried to compete on the FPS scene with Killzone and subsequently Resistance series. They never really found long lasting success with either series. Granted Resistance was Sony published and Insomniac was still Independent back then. Though they let Guerilla do their own thing and we got Horizon Zero Dawn. Their strategy of partnering up with Japanese devs like SE, From, SEGA etc for RPG's is a good working formula. And tbh I'd rather them do that than waste a bunch of time and resources and potentially end up like another Cyberpunk.

Last edited by hinch - on 15 November 2021