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Soriku said:
Stats87 said:
shams said:

P L A Y S T A T I O N 3

- Bandai Namco confirmed a new Tales title for PS3 will be revealed later this year.

- Nippon Ichi has released new downloadable content for Disgaea 3 on PlayStation Network, which adds two new characters from Disgaea 2 and a new generic character Neokomata. Each character costs 100 - 200 yen to download.

so there is a Tales for PS3


No, that's still speculation at this point. That info came from magicbox's site but magicbox doesn't get "scoops" plus Namco hasn't said anything at all. I expect a Tales on PS3 at some point but that info from the magicbox is false. Also, all the teams are occupied. They'd want to make a PS3 Tales AFTER some teams are free.

Don't forget Soriku that the magicbox was the first site that broke the news about Persona 4, i'd say they're pretty reliable.