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Captain_Yuri said:

Honestly, this entire holiday season of western games has been shat after shat in terms of polish and optimization let alone gameplay and etc.

GTA Trilogy
COD Vanguard
BF 2042
Guardians of the Galaxy and etc all have a ton of bugs and performance issues even on consoles. Like look at this nonsense:

At times, the PS5 goes down to 0 FPS for a brief second. Like what the shit. It's using the same engine as the new MW. How did they goof this up?

And on top, you have Age of Empires being meh, Nintendo having nothing, Sony having nothing, Valve delaying the Steam Deck and it's like, what do we got left? Fucking Halo made by 343?

Least Forza Horizon 5 is fun.

Feels like most AAA this gen has been poorly optimised tbh. Like there hasn't been a AAA I've bought this yr or last that made me go "wow not only is this GOTY material, but really well polished".

Instead it's "what AAA game is going to nickel/dime me out of more than £60 and how badly optimised is it going to be (including DRM), let alone "is it gonna be exclusive?".

Days Gone is alright, but they still didn't fully remove the weird hitching effect. Hoping GoW gets the good treatment, because it's seen as one of Sony's biggest IP's. 

AoE IV hasn't really grabbed me at all, mostly because it looks like a slightly modern AoE II, but with a Relic touch (UI is way too clean and reminds me of DoW III). Also doesn't help that the game features less civs, unit animations are tied to projectiles (homing catapults and arrows just looks so fucking weird in 2021), infantry are almost the size of buildings (pretty much like most CiV based games, which looks odd for an RTS like AoE).

But to be brutally honest, last 5-6yrs haven't been all that great for me AAA wise anyway, because it's either exclusive, a botched port, a late port or a genre I'm not even remotely interested in, or the same old same old. It's why I'm more interested in indie titles these days, because AAA can't seem to do anything right, let alone innovate (RT is great, but not worth the perf cost and not every studio gets RT right either for example). 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"