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Dulfite said:
Azzanation said:

Doesnt do it for me. I have a gaming PC and a gaming Laptop if i need to play games on the go.

I once knew some guys that would literally unplug and carry their desktop equipment to wherever they wanted to go that day, then set it all up before taking it back home. True PC gamer overlordz.

I actually used to do this rather frequently, back in the 2010's I was always offered to hang out with 3 friends for multiple days at a time, so we would set up LAN parties that would span 3-5 days, and since I lived in a different town from 2 of them, one of the friends who lived around the corner from me would come pick me up and we'd take our desktops to the other friends place, meeting up with the third friend along the way. 

I was fine with it at the time, but times have changed now and so have my friends schedules and hobbies, so we don't really do much of that anymore. 

That being said I still miss LAN parties, because it was you physically handing out with friends and being able to game together, instead of what goes on most of the times these days, where it's you virtually hanging out with a mic. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"