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So yikes. Aaron's got covid and OBJ was indeed the diva Giants fans always accused him of.

I picked the wrong week to go dark on NFL news.

Aaron is a fucking asshole for being misleading about being "immunized". He robbed me of a game I was so looking forward to.
OBJ is a bitch. I defended this guy over Baker for years, and to watch Baker have to answer on OBJ's behalf while OBJ hides behind his daddy is sad. To think I would actually call Baker mature after how he faced the media when he had every right to tear through OBJ, and calling OBJ a drama queen after this series of events... man. I never knew how quickly I was capable of changing my opinion on two people simultaneously.

I was going to switch my pick to KC but feck it, I'll stick to GB

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson