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The Thursday news, part two:

Far Cry 6's premature Danny Trejo tie-in has been removed
This week, Far Cry 6 found itself in the bizarre position of accidentally featuring actor Danny "Machete" Trejo. Fortunately, Ubisoft has swiftly worked to remove all traces of Trejo from the game at this time, with the promise of full, production-ready Trejo to return at a later date.

Ubisoft gears up for its 35th birthday with discounts and freebies
One of the largest video game publishers on the planet, Ubisoft, was founded in France 35 years ago: on March 28, 1986, to be exact. it seems like someone over at present-day Ubisoft has belatedly realised this as, now that the anniversary has passed, it's announced a bunch of 35th anniversary celebrations.
>> No free games, at least yet, but there's a daily contest to win 100 $/€ to spend on their store.

The Sims 4's new official challenges ask you to become a millionaire or enemies with benefits
With the release of yesterday's Scenarios update, The Sims 4 now has official versions of the kind of challenge runs that players have been inventing for years. The first of these Scenarios asks simmers to create fresh families and then chase specific goals. So far, they include raising too many toddlers, making 1,000,000 simoleons, or turning a hated roommate into an "enemy with benefits".

Square Enix calls Marvel's Avengers 'disappointing'
In Square Enix's annual report for 2021, company president and representative director Yosuke Matsuda discussed Marvel's Avengers, calling it "an ambitious title for us in that we took on the GaaS (Games as a Service) model." However, he went on to say, perhaps with some understatement, that "it has unfortunately not proven as successful as we would have liked."

EA calls NFT and blockchain games 'the future of our industry'
EA CEO Andrew Wilson called NFT and "play-to-earn" games the "the future of our industry," but added that "it's still early to figure out how that's going to work," when asked about the topic during the company's earnings call this week.
>> So they don't know how to make it work, but it's the future of gaming? Wow, I have no words.

Still in a Dune mood? This new desert survival game has giant sandworms, too
Well, a Dune survival game is in the works over at Funcom, but you might be able to get your fix a bit sooner by checking out Starsand, an Early Access survival game that's set in a harsh desert environment and is home to giant sandworms. You don't have long to wait if you're interested: Starsand comes out on November 4.

Here's when Call of Duty: Vanguard unlocks
Call of Duty: Vanguard is finally less than 24 hours away. Developed by Sledgehammer Games, Vanguard sees the series returning to the World War 2 era. And while you've no doubt preloaded the game in preparation for launch, you might be wondering exactly when you can play.

Total War: Warhammer 3 marches out next February, Ogres and all
Despite initially planning its invasion for late-2021, Total War: Warhammer 3 today announced its march to war will take place next February 17.
That release date comes alongside the announcement of the Ogre Kingdoms in Total Warhammer 3. Sadly, the big lads aren't included in the base game, but rather as a Race Pack DLC that'll be free for folks who pre-order or purchase the game within the first week of release.

New World patch cracks down on gold sellers and slashes respec costs
New World has put out an update today, slashing the amount it costs to respec your character and adding new restrictions to clamp down on real money trading.

Here's when Forza Horizon 5 unlocks in your time zone
With the Forza Horizon 5 release time drawing near, I hope you've got your bags packed for your next open-road adventure to Mexico. And it looks like you're going to be there a while, too: With enough activities to more than fill up Playground Games' biggest map yet and a huge emphasis on live-service challenges and seasonal objectives, you'll be needing quite a few sets of clean clothes.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.