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Captain_Yuri said:
hinch said:

Yeah I'm really glad PS is gradually moving to PC. If not for compatibility alone but also the extra freedom PC allows.  I'm still going to buy PS consoles to play them as soon as they release but the salty replies are kinda cringe.. as games releasing on PC has no bearing on their enjoyment of said games and console. The meltdown would be insane if Nintendo decided to put a Mario or Zelda on PC.. but they would make major bank (even more so!)

And lol at Newegg, can't shut the can of worms when its already open. Someone going to get a slap on the wrist. Only a week to go I guess xD

Yea I will probably continue to buy consoles if for nothing else than to play Bluray movies and shows. I recently took a look into PC bluray play back and the situation is horrible. The compatibility issues are all over the place because you need specific CPUs to make it all work if you want that 4k HDR on PC due to DRM problems. And the janky thing is, it's not even about having the latest CPU. The only compatible CPUs for something like PowerDVD Ultra 21 are: Intel 7th generation and until Intel 10th. Intel's 11th gen? Nope, not compatible. AMD CPUs? Nope not compatible. Like you can play blurays but not at 4k HDR. It's fucked. Obviously you can always go the not so good method and that will work but downloading 100GB+ Bluray movies? Good Luck.

And that is why I like my PS5/Series X. They play Blurays without any fuss. It just works as they say...

It still a pain because you need certain Blu-ray burners with certain firmware which mean either buy one already flashed for you or willing to buy a compatible player and flash it your self but once you have that it fairly easy to convert your bluray collection to uncompressed files including 4k HDR.

I don't mind paying for all my blurays but switching disks in and out is not something I want to do anymore.  Decent tutor on how to do it