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As a 3090 owner this a bit scary

Summary, the way NVidia power management is setup is to keep averages in check. High constant workload acturally get manage really well by a 3090 but on the other hand there really no checks or safety procedures for quick power spikes. Which mean if you running something that going to have many quick spikes and it very efficient(ie using every core in gpu) you can get crazy high power spikes. This happens fairly often in New world which is why it killing cards.

Obvious better made 3090 going to last longer and not burn out with these spikes but this does not bold well for long term reliability of these cards if you constantly putting these vrm under such stress.

Higher the resolution the more likely you going to have situations where the gpu will be able to use all it cores on a frame and therefore increase odds that you get a dangerous high power spike. If I remember right New worlds was doing a odd thing that it was rendering in menu way higher then even the monitor that plugged into capable of. I think I saw that behavior in one of JayTwoCents videos.