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Captain_Yuri said:

Yea the only advantage AMD really has with certain GPUs in their line up is the Vram where in certain AMD sponsored games like Far Cry 6, you need 11GB or more to use the "HD Textures." I always find it amusing where you can have a game like Cyberpunk with all it's next gen visuals and Ray Tracing at max settings use less than 10GB of Vram at 4k but ShatCry 6 with last gen graphics and little to no Ray Tracing? Muh 11GB. Obviously we all know it's just AMD trying to make their GPUs look good cause in reality, there's little to no reason to choose them over Nvidia this gen. Hopefully they can really bring it with RDNA 3 cause we really need more proper Ray Tracing games to show off what PC can really do.

"4K-resolution support with up to 60 FPS performance for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X systems"

Only 60 fps? With those graphics?

"NVIDIA DLSS support for PC"

Considering the requirements are higher than GTA V, I was hoping for something better. But it also doesn't look as bad as I was originally thinking. We will see though.

Yeah that's the thing that really gets me, is that benchmarkers will only look at what they are told is being used up and what setting requires what, not "oh this is Ubisoft, they have this well known history of shitting out shoddy PC ports with artificial (not legit hand crafted ultra specifically for certain hw) demands from our GPU's".

Like Ubi demanding more VRAm for what is going to look somewhat similar to what current gen is pumping out just makes the demands look pointless and often silly. We just had a few rounds of "ultra settings are rather useless these days" videos on youtube and they're right, because most games in the AAA space have either hit their current ceiling or are tailored towards console level hw. I just took a gander at Crysis Remaster 2-3's PC raytracing settings shots on/off and it hardly looks massively night/day, but the perf drops are stupidly different.

I just think Ubisoft and some other AAA's are trying to slap on "you'll need an ultra mega beefy GPU to run this on ultra", yet Ultra doesn't fucking look like Ultra you stupid plebs...

There's a reason why I stopped with Ubi games after AC Origins (Origins was my final point, because the hw demands were stupid, they even flat out said the textures were identical to consoles for parity and we know they have a history of shoddy PC ports, so it all lines up, making their "we love PC gaming" out to being utterly fake). 

Sorry for that rant, I just don't like how Ubisoft goes about it's ports and using fake masks of sincerity (lack thereof). 

I do hope RDNA 3 does something big, because I've been waiting for years for them to give some good competition in the higher end arena. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"