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Megiddo said:

Demon Slayer spent 5 days in the #1 slot. It's kind of amusing to see that sort of commentary from people who clearly haven't been doing even the bare minimum of position tracking. It will easily surpass Lost Judgment's initial week, lmao.

InkIt said:

Using amazon jp at that, a store that famitsu doesn't even track.

Kimetsu being a very casual ip will do well in physical stores.

The COMG result just came out:

103 points for Demon Slayer 

176 points for Lost Judgement

Even with a best case scenario the game might not surpass 120K first week, Lost Judgement managed 145K

So now with both and COMG confirming the trends we observed with pre-orders/launch perhaps I might end up right. 

In terms of it being a casual IP it might have done well if it was on the Switch, for a long time few casual games have done well on the PS ecosystem especially games that are popular among kids and women, that audience is severally lacking on the PS and few games cater to them. 

Also next time you are tracking keep track of two things does it go out of stock and how long a game remains 1st place after it launches, if it's already declining by Sunday it means sales were front-ended and demand is already pretty much satisfied. Metroid as an example managed to keep it's first place into Tuesday of it's second week, meaning that demand wasn't entirely satisfied and it even went out of stock. It's probable that Dread outsold the PS5 version of Demon Slayer and will easily surpass the lifetime sales of both version when it's all said and done. 

Momotaro was a very casual IP didn't stop it from charting very high on for a very long time after it launched,