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lol. Isn't it ironic how the game that sufers the most from VBS is the one made by the company that decided to include it and set it on by default?

Anyway, here are a couple of news that could interest some of you (one good, one bad):

Hack a better taskbar back into Windows 11

Windows 11 is now officially available.You can download and install it and bask in the all too familiar glow of a completely new OS. Not that we'd recommend doing that just yet. A new operating system always takes a little while to bed in before it becomes a truly great experience, and there are enough little foibles with Microsoft's latest to make us believe that Windows 11 will be no different.

Of course, plenty have already upgraded. (Some of us have had to.) But not everyone is happy with what they see. In particular, one Valentin-Gabriel Radu has taken to Github to release an Explorer Patcher for Windows 11 (via Igor's Lab). This project aims to take the Windows 11 taskbar and start menu and replace it with one that is more like the Windows 10 equivalent.

That also brings back the ability to move your taskbar to the top, left, or right of your screen. Hallelujah. 

Nvidia GPU mining limiter 100% dodged by mining two cryptocurrencies at once
Cryptocurrency miners won't quit. Just when you thought Nvidia had deterred the cryptominers from buying up all the GPUs with the introduction of mining limiters on its 30-Series GPUs, yet another hash rate unlocking piece of software has surfaced. This time, bringing the miner's cards right back up to 100% efficiency, with some caveats.

In August, NBMiner almost nullified Nvidia's hash rate limiters. Now, new software known as T-Rex allows Ethereum miners to fully bypass the hash rate limiters, if only they mine some other cryptocurrency at the same time (via Toms Hardware).

"This option allows you to use the full potential of LHR cards," the Github page boasts, as long as your GPU has "enough VRAM to hold two DAGs/datasets by mining two cryptocurrencies simultaneously—ETH (~30%) and some other (~70%)."

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.