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JEMC said:

I really, really, doubt they'll go the extra mile to license all the songs again. At best they'll try to get new songs added that made it for the lack of the originals, but that will depend on the budget they've been given it and how much they care... and given that they'll only made the games available from their own store (on PC), I'm not very optimistic.

But well, we know consoles are their main target and PC is only an afterthought so maybe where the games being locked only to their own store is no base for how much work has gone into them.

I know they won't, because Activision didn't bother either in the past, as well as Deadpool being pulled yet again from Steam.

They seem to care a fuck ton for making sure modding their games isn't a thing, which tells us that they fear modding will greatly affect their bottom line.

They likely stopped caring for PC at this point, hence the client exclusivity, because they know those that love their brand will follow them wherever they go (not me though, T2 can fuck off)

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"