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green_sky said:

Nintendo won't look at steam deck or such devices. Change their joycons or whatever looking at them. Nintendo and companies like Apple operate their business and design strategy in a way that other companies and products don't exist. When they announce their devices or features. It is always like whoa, look at this thing we did. Even though other companies might have done it before.

For good or bad ofcourse. I've liked and disliked their way of doing business over the years.

Thing is, Ninty's been around for over a hundred years, and Apple's for less, but those two companies have one thing in common, they are a popular and well known brand.

Both have been loved for a long, long time, and as such, they have enough brownie points that make Blizzard look evil (seriously, there are ppl out there that think the Steam Deck will fail/is inferior to the Switch, that's how strong Ninty's brand is, or an artist friend I have who now thinks Mac OS is superior to Windows for two examples of brand power from Ninty/Apple).

Because both are so big and so vastly rich, they are more than able to afford being able to ignore every other company and staying within their own bubble (occasionally we do see them slipping a hand from that bubble to take other existing ideas and then proceeding to further ignore the others again for a few years).

If this was a mom & pop company or an already lesser one in general, they wouldn't be able to afford ignoring every other competitor, because the ppl would leave them and well, they'd be utterly fucked and be forced to comply with what their competition is doing. Nintendo doesn't have to comply with whatever Valve does, because they have enough ppl to buy their products, regardless of quality or value. Nintendo has that horrid spell with the Wii U, but they were still a powerful enough brand that 3rd party didn't entirely ignore them, nor did everyone outright abandon Nintendo (they still managed to somehow make bank on the Wii U, while most other companies like Ouya flop and die). 

Personally, I loathe Nintendo's/Apple's away of doing business, because that leads to sub-par expensive products and as I've seen over the years, it has led to a growth of ignorant masses that are willing to die on the hills of those two companies, no matter the price, no matter the quality (Again, there are ppl out there who truly think the Deck will flop and that Switch is perfect, brand power withstanding, while ignoring what the Deck means and can do for those wanting one).

I also believe their way of doing business and ignoring others until it suits them to take a peek, is one that leads to slow innovation (Because we've had gyros for years and they had theirs since the Wii, which was well over a decade ago now and they still toss that around in their marketing as if it's new and revolutionary, while a company like Valve is wanting to venture into Brain VR, something entirely fucking new and not really commercial yet, but still something brand new).

I want the Switch 2 to now catch up to what the Deck is doing (especially in terms of sourcing replacement parts for customers, because they royally fucked up and flat out did not care for the Joycon drift situation, outside of a South Park insulting style "we're sorry", which really pissed me off, because Joycons here cost fucking £70 a pop), but I know Nintendo is likely to just ignore the device and just roll with 4k and some other stupid gimmick with slightly off the shelf parts (because for years now they've dropped wanting cutting edge or just better hw in general since the GC days).

Last edited by Chazore - on 08 October 2021

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"