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hinch said:
Captain_Yuri said:

I do have Far Cry 6 for free because of the AMD promo when I got my 5950x but man, I can't bring myself to playing it. Other than needing to install Uplay, it looks so damn bland. Plus it's one of the worst Ray Tracing games I have ever seen. It looks like a blurry mess.

Yikes that looks pretty bad. Might a well use SSR at that point.

The fact you left in the monke reaction made me lul, ngl.

OT: Linus sounded salty at the start of the vid, since Valve wouldn't let him drop it (joking on that last part, but we all know he's prone to breaking tech easily).

The one part of his vid that stood out to me, was the fact that Valve are going to source for spare parts for the Deck (jotsticks etc), which is something hardly anyone does in the inudstry of gaming. I reckon that was Valve taking a direct stab at Nintendo for their shitty Joycon drift, and how they do fuck all about it, because they know ppl will just buy another set of Joycons for fucking £70.

Good on them for doing it though, hopefully that gets Nintendo to pull their head out of their arse when it comes to Switch 2, because fuck off having to pay upwards of £70 for a pair of joycons. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"