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Captain_Yuri said:
JEMC said:

Talking about single threaded games, I've seen a couple of Far Cry 6 reviews and the game seems to scale well with multiple cores CPUs.I don't know what kind of settings did the guy that had problems with it had, but they don't seem to be true.

From Guru3D's analysis (page 7):

Processor usage

Looking at threaded behavior this game work really well with any six core and upward processor. But yeah, six to eight cores for best results (is twelve to sixteen threads)The game definitely likes and utilizes multi-core processors and thus threads. However, we can't say that we're stressing the CPU heaps. here we used an RTX 3080 at 2560x1440 to push framerates (DXR disabled).

I do have Far Cry 6 for free because of the AMD promo when I got my 5950x but man, I can't bring myself to playing it. Other than needing to install Uplay, it looks so damn bland. Plus it's one of the worst Ray Tracing games I have ever seen. It looks like a blurry mess.

One thing doesn't take the other .

And don't forget that it "needs" cards with more than 11GB of VRAM to use the best textures...

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.